This App is build to help candidates of competitive exams to learn and revise General Science section in an effective manner with 1000+ One Liner Question_Answers.
General Science in Hindi is unlimited source of Daily Life problems solved with Science in Hindi language.
This application help you to understand basic science questions easily. It should be useful for students as well as in IBPS, IAS, State PSC, SSC and other government exams. It will be also useful for job seekers who are looking to get recruited by government firms or any government jobs and entrance exams.
General Science App is unlimited source of Daily Life problems solved with Science with attractive images. General Science Notes are very important in competitive Examinations.
This application will help you to understand basic science questions easily. It should be useful for students as well as in UPSC, IBPS, IAS, State PSC, SSC and other government exams. It will be also useful for job seekers who are looking to get recruited by government firms or any government jobs and entrance exams.
App is very usefull for the students preparing for Bank PO , RRB Railway exam , IELTS , TOEFL , SAT OPSC, RPSC, PPSC, TNPSC,IAS, UPSC, SSC, IPS, BANK PO, BANK CLERK, BANK EXAMS, IFS, PCS, CIVIL SERVICES, BANK SPECIALIST OFFICER, RRB or REGIONAL RURAL BANKS, STATE CIVIL SERVICES, POLICE EXAMS, SSC CGL, CISF, CAPF, NDA EXAMS, CDS EXAM, RAILWAY EXAMS, GOVERNMENT JOB EXAMS, IBPS BANK EXAMS, IBPS CWE EXAMS, INSURANCE EXAMS, POST OFFICE EXAMS, NICL– Assistants, AICL – AO, UICL – AO, APPSC, BPSC, Chhattisgarh PSC, GPSC, HPSC, HPSSSB, HPPSC, JKPSC, Jharkhand PSC, Kerala PSC, MPPSC, MPSC, Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, OPSC, RPSC, PPSC, TNPSC, UPPSC, WBSETCL Central Govt : IAS/UPSC Andhra Pradesh (APSPSC), Arunachal Pradesh (APPSC), Assam (APSC), Bihar (BPSC), Kerala (KPSC), Goa (GOAPSC), Gujarat (GPSC), Himachal Pradesh (HPPSC), Jammu & Kashmir (JKPSC), Jharkand (JPSC), Karnataka (KPSC), Kerala (KPSC), Madhya Pradesh (MPPSC), Maharashtra (MPSC), Orissa (OPSC), Punjab (PPSC), Rajasthan (RPSC), Telangana (TPSC), Tripura (TPSC), Uttaranchal (UPSC), Tamilnadu (TNPSC), Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC), Uttarakhand (UKPSC), West Bengal (PSCWB, WBPSC) etc.